Musical Master Class with Greer Gisy | Woodstock Dance Studio

On Friday May 14, we hosted Miss Greer Gisy from New York City’s Broadway for a Musical Master Class with our dancers as part of our Online Opportunities Initiative. Miss Greer welcomed our Intermediate and Senior dancers on Zoom with her energetic personality and fluid style.  During the beginning of [...]

By |2021-05-20T14:54:58-04:00May 20th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Musical Master Class with Lauralyn McClelland | Woodstock Dance Studio

On Saturday May 8, we hosted Miss Lauralyn McClelland from New York City’s Broadway for a Musical Master Class with our dancers as part of our Online Opportunities Initiative. Miss Lauralyn welcomed our Intermediate and Senior dancers on Zoom with her energetic personality.  During the beginning of class the dancers [...]

By |2021-05-12T15:35:36-04:00May 12th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Focus – April 2021 Monthly Intention

The month of April is one of the most important month’s of the dance season at Footprints Dance Centre. During April it is essential for our dancers to be motivated, focused and working hard in their classes as we prepare for our recital, exams and competitions. Which is why, our [...]

By |2021-04-05T14:32:52-04:00April 5th, 2021|Blog, Uncategorized|

Happy Birthday Teacup and Tulip! – 3-6 Year Old Dance

On Saturday February 20, 2021 we celebrated the birthdays of our playtime pals, Teacup and Tulip! Our entire Teacup and Tulip Dancers were invited to an awesome virtual celebration for their dancing friends. Celebrating the birthdays of our two mascots started out as a bit of a strange idea. Let’s [...]

By |2021-03-11T11:58:47-05:00March 11th, 2021|Uncategorized|
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