On Friday May 14, we hosted Miss Greer Gisy from New York City’s Broadway for a Musical Master Class with our dancers as part of our Online Opportunities Initiative.

Miss Greer welcomed our Intermediate and Senior dancers on Zoom with her energetic personality and fluid style.  During the beginning of class the dancers got to experience a professional level warm-up and then the choreography began. Miss Greer taught our dancers the actual Broadway choreography from “My Shot” from Hamilton the Musical.

While working through the choreography Miss Greer made a point to connect with our students one-on-one, offering technique feedback and encouragement. She encouraged the dancers to reflect on how they could bring their own individuality to the choreography, stressing that the goal of this piece was to “look like individuals on stage performing collective choreography.” As the dancers began to get confident in the choreography she stressed the importance of intention, focus and storytelling to enhance their art.

At the end of the class the dancers had an opportunity to ask Miss Greer anything they wanted about her career so far. She dropped many great words of wisdom to our dancers, including:

“Never warm up for the piece your performing. Instead warm up for the body you are in.”

“Core work is not to make you look like the girl next to you, or on the cover of the magazine. Core work helps you to become the strongest person you can be.”

“There is no thing as ‘the best’ in art.”

Our dancers had a fabulous time working with Miss Greer and are looking forward to their additional upcoming Broadway classes as part of our Online Opportunities series as well!

Who is Greer Gisy?  

Greer Gisy is a world traveling performing artist. She is the Dance Supervisor of HAMILTON Angelica Tour and the Creative Producer of the multimedia theatre in motion play: THE TRUE AND UNQUESTIONABLE ACCOUNT OF JOSEPH E. SNODGRASS.

As the choreographer and creative consultant, she was responsible for setting Andy Blankenbuehler’s original Broadway choreography on the Brazilian cast of IN THE HEIGHTS in São Paulo. Greer has taught for Alvin Ailey, R.Evolución Latina, Broadway Dance Center, Texas State University, Syracuse University, London’s Pineapple Studios and D & B Performing Arts Academy, among others. She has served as associate director and associate choreographer to Michael Balderrama on many shows including two new works for HOLLAND AMERICA CRUISE LINES and was the dance captain for EVITA under the direction and choreography of Nick Kenkel.

She helped create movement and content for the world premiere of WHEN CHANGE COMES conceived, directed, and choreographed by Mark Stuart and Jaime Verazin. Greer was Lorin Latarro’s associate choreographer for both of Public Theatre’s Public Works productions of TWELFTH NIGHT at Shakespeare in the Park, and serves annually as the Associate and Supervising Choreographer for McCarter Theater’s renowned A CHRISTMAS CAROL.

Greer is founder of the app LALUZ: Meditations for Performers, and has a scrappy rescue pup named Blanche DuBark.

What is the Online Opportunities Initiative?

Online Opportunities Initiative was created to provide a little something extra and fun for our dancers to look forward to during the third lockdown as well as a way to support our community. Over this past year, our community has been faced with overwhelming challenges that have been felt by everyone. Some people who have never experienced issues might now dealing with concerns like social isolation, food security, and safe and reliable transportation to doctors’ appointments. And for some that already experience these hurdles, they are left dealing with navigating them in an even more challenging climate. United Way Oxford has been working with organizations across the County to help adapt current programs, and create new ones, in order to help assist people get the support they need, when they need it. By investing in over 30 COVID Relief Programs across our communities, options for support are now available to assist those that need it most. By coming together, we can continue to support those in our community that need us now more than ever.