Wingman for Dance inspires empathy, compassion, kindness and most importantly, acceptance of all children regardless of any perceived differences. Each month in the studio we will be incorporating Wingman for Dance activities within all of our dance  classes. This month we were excited to explore the concept of strengths and weaknesses with our dancers.

February’s Wingman Week: Strengths & Weaknesses

Taking the time to discuss that everyone has strengths and weaknesses helps create understanding and assists dancers to feel safer and accepted among their peers.

Our teachers emphasize that we are all unique and valuable for our differences and creates an “even playing field” in the dance studio. Distinguishing between the differences we can’t change and need to accept in ourselves and others and the differences that can be changed is an important step in compassion.

In each class we discussed one strength and one weakness we each have in the dance studio. For example some dancers may be very flexible but not a strong turner. Another dancer may be an excellent performer but have difficulty picking up choreography quickly.

After this discussion our dancers were invited to share strengths of their peers with the group. Each dancer was given an opportunity to compliment their peers during our online classes. We challenged our dancers to go beyond superficial compliments and think of deeper, more meaningful compliments to give their friends.

There was many tears shed by our teachers as the dancers exchanged meaningful compliments with one another. Our dancers are such kind, genuine and generous souls!

How Can Parents Help?

Everyone wants to feel accepted and appreciated for who they genuinely are as human beings. By taking the time to discuss that EVERYONE has strengths and weaknesses, we create understanding and acceptance.

Do you know what your dancer views as their strengths and weaknesses? Do you know how their peers see them as an individual at dance? What character compliments did they receive? What kind of a conversation can you start with your dancer around acceptance, strengths and weaknesses?

Great questions start great conversations!

What is Wingman for Dance?

Wingman for Dance is a program from Dylan’s Wings of Change, a foundation dedicated to the memory of Dylan Hockley. Dylan was one of the first grade victims of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. Dylan was six years old and had autism. He could be his best when those around him would be his Wingman. You can find out more at Also, find Wingman for Dance on Facebook and on Instagram.