Our Move with Me and Broadway Babies classes are the best parent and tot dance classes in Woodstock. Often times we hear from parents that “most other” classes they have been to in Woodstock are filled with nonsense time wasting activities, that the instructors don’t know what their child is capable of and that they feel like they are wasting their time and money in class. We are proud to say that our parent and tot dance classes don’t fall into that “most other” category in Woodstock.
Our parent and tot dance programs like Move with Me (for ages 14-24 months) and Broadway Babies (for ages 2-3) are created with the young child in mind based on countless hours of research and practice. We take heart in the developmental stages of our little ones and are constantly implementing today’s best research into our class design and development.
All of our parent and tot dance programs are broken down into class segments. One of our most favourite segments of class is our BrainDance warm-up! After our Welcome Song each week we perform our BrainDance in our parent and tot dance classes.
The BrainDance
Developed by Anne Green Gilbert, the BrainDance is a series of exercises that we use in all of our parent and tot dance classes. It is comprised of eight developmental movement patterns that human beings naturally move through in the first year of life. As babies, we did these movements on our tummies, sides, and back on the floor. However, cycling through these patterns at any age, daily or weekly while sitting or standing, has been found to be beneficial in reorganizing our central nervous system. Repeating these patterns over time may help us fill in any missing gaps in our neurological system due to birth trauma, illness, environment, head injury or not enough floor time as a baby.
Benefits of the BrainDance in Parent and Tot Dance Classes…
Reorganization of the neurological system:
The developmental movement patterns wire the central nervous system laying the foundation for sensory-motor development and life long learning. When patterns are missed or disrupted there may be missing gaps in a person’s neurological development. These gaps can cause neurological dysfunction that may later appear as learning disabilities, behavior disorders, memory problems, sleep disorders, speech, balance or filtering problems, and a host of other difficulties that may disrupt the flow of development. Cycling through the BrainDance patterns on a daily basis may correct flaws in a person’s perceptual process and reorganize the central nervous system to better develop proprioception, balance, attention, memory, eye-tracking, behavior, sensory integration, and motor skills. Neurological repatterning coordinates all parts of the brain and body for emotional, social, and cognitive balance.
Increased blood and oxygen flow to the respiratory system and brain:
Because oxygen and blood are food for the brain, deep breathing and aerobic exercise are essential for a fully functioning brain and body. Oxygenation reduces stress and brings flow and ease to all movement. Blood and oxygen in the brain improves ability to stay focused during class.
Enhanced core support, connectivity, and alignment:
The BrainDance reviews for us the early baby patterns that lay down structure in the neuromuscular system, influence brain development, and help us cope with the world in an embodied way. These patterns, done in an orderly progression, help us remember the parts of our visceral and muscular system that support our body structure. Each pattern underlies and supports the next pattern. When done in succession, they bring a wholeness, aliveness, and connectivity to our use of the body, which reflects an integration of body and mind.
Deeper understanding of the elements of dance technique:
Focusing on BrainDance patterns at the beginning of class helps dancers become more articulate and expressive as the developmental movement patterns are an integral part of every dance style. The first four patterns of the BrainDance are fundamental to performing any form of dance. The last four patterns dancers practice daily: pliés and port de bras (Upper-Lower), tendus, battements, (Body Side), center work (Cross Lateral), turns and springs (Vestibular). Whether taking a Ballet, Modern, Jazz, African, or Creative Dance class, students who have warmed-up with the BrainDance are able to integrate and apply the patterns to their technical skill development.

The BrainDance includes so many opportunities for grown ups to bond with their tots.
As you can see, there are lots of great benefits from not just our tots participating in the Brain Dance but also for the grown ups too! If you are interested in joining one of our parent and tot dance classes in Woodstock please contact us.