It’s hard to believe that November is already upon us! Thank you for your continuous support this season. The studio is truly nothing without the hard work and dedication of each and every student, family member and staff member. Speaking of hard work, our dancers were amazing at the Dance Attack Workshop in London at the end of October!

As the winter season approaches and of course, cold and flu season with it – please be sure to notify the studio of any absences your dancer may have. Feel free to call the studio and leave a voice mail or send us a quick e-mail.

Some of our dancers travelled to London at the end of October to attend Dance Attack Workshop. All of our dancers and families represented our studio with great displays of respect and responsibility. Way to go dancers! Check out the recap video!

[/fusion_separator]A HUGE THANK YOU to all of the dancers who contributed to our Cans for Costumes Food Drive. I am always blown away by the amount our studio wants to give back to their community!

With the holiday season coming, Footprints Dance Centre is excited to continue with our Fill the Sleigh Campaign in December. We will be hosting this campaign in support of Domestic Abuse Services Oxford. Dancers are encouraged to donate canned food items and new toiletries to help us fill the sleigh. All of these items will be put directly back into the community that helps to support and shape us all. More information about this campaign will be released with your December newsletter. Our Fill the Sleigh Campaign kicks off at our 5th Annual Festivus Party on December 9! Don’t forget your potluck dish for that either!

Be sure to “like” our Facebook Page, Footprints Dance Centre, for updates and events. There will be a Holiday Photo Contest – keep your eyes peeled!

Coming Events:

Nov 7 & 8: Studio Filming
Puffin Media will be in studio to film classes, interview parents and capture that all around Footprints feel for a new promo video for our website!

Nov 12: MacMillians Fundraising Due!

Nov 14-19: Bring a Friend
Share the joy of dancing with someone you care about on Bring-a-Friend Week. We encourage students to bring up to two friends of similar age to class. No previous dance experience required.

Nov 15: Monthly Fees Due
Thank you to all the families who are up to date with their accounts! Let’s keep the streak going 

Nov 21-26: PJ Day!
Ditch the dress code and wear those comfy PJs to class!

Dec 1: MacMillians Pick-Up
Products will be available for pick up from 1:00-4:00pm at Woodstock Lighting and Décor.

Dec 3: Senior Party!
All of our senior dancers are invited to come out to the studio and help Miss Lainy get set for her favourite time of year.

Dec 9: Festivus Party
Don’t forget your potluck dish or donations for our Fill the Sleigh Campaign! AND our Holiday Spirit Squad performs!