Creating a Summer Bucket List is one of my most favourite things about the summer! In Woodstock we are so blessed with the opportunity to do so many fun and exciting things in the summer. As a Studio Owner, summer is considered my “down time” (even despite our Drop-In Classes, Summer Camps and Summer Sass Team!) Checking things off my Summer Bucket List gives me great joy and a sense of fun through the down time. There are so many great reasons to have a Summer Bucket List!
1) It Helps Prioritize Family Time
For the past five years, Sean and I have been creating a Summer Bucket List to really capitalize on the time we are able to spend together. Living in different cities and both being incredibly passionate about our careers, our Summer Bucket List helps us to slow down for a few months and spend time together doing things we might not otherwise do.
For our dance families, summer is when the kids are out of school and vacation time at work seems to be at a premium. Even if you can’t take extra time off work take advantage of your evenings and weekends to make a special moment for your family. Not only will the kids enjoy spending time with you, you will have something fun to look forward to after a boring day at work!
2) It Pushes You Outside of Your Comfort Zone
When putting together your Summer Bucket List dream big! Take some time to “dreamstorm” together as a family. Write down every idea, big or small, affordable or not! Below are some questions to help you put together your list:
– What skill have you always wanted to learn? (For Sean and I – it’s sailing!)
– What’s something YOU always enjoyed doing when you were little? (For me, that’s why picnics always end up on our list!)
– What kind of project do you want to get started? (Time for a bathroom reno or add a garden out in the backyard!)

Sean and I sat down on the patio with a cup of coffee and a cup of tea and got straight to the dreamstorming for our Summer Bucket List!
3) It Creates Memories
Knocking things off your Summer Bucket List can become a fun family adventure each week through the summer. For Sean and I it has become a tradition to try to take photos or other document our Summer Bucket List adventures. This is a great way of extending the fun and prolonging the memories! We all know what its like to have a grey day and then be turned around after a scroll through the photos on our phone.

The 2016 Summer Bucket List included apple picking!
4) It’s A LOT of Fun!
When you are stuck in the house on that rainy day and the kids keep saying, “Mom, I’m booooreedddd!!” You can take your Summer Bucket List off the fridge, tell them to pick something and make a day of it!
If you like the idea of creating your own Summer Bucket List but are unsure where to start, you can download our Summer Bucket List Starter Kit to help get you started! Or check out Sean and I’s 2017 Bucket List below!
Happy Bucket List-ing!
Miss Lainy

Sean and Miss Lainy’s Summer Bucket List for this season!