Living in a small town like Woodstock has its perks and its disadvantages. One of those big drawbacks is how crazy it can be picking up your child after school. Everybody is in a rush and just wants to get their kiddos and move on to their next activity. Why does after-school time have to be such a rush?

As the dance teacher, I see it all! I see the parents who have everything neatly packaged and labelled, walk into the studio 10 minutes before class, change into their leotard and have a cute and healthy snack. I also the families rushing in 2 minutes before class starts not in uniform, hungry and h-angry! How can we make the after school rush if not “easy” at least a little bit more manageable for our families here in Woodstock. Well, we’ve asked some of those Type A parents for the tips and tricks of how they do it!

1) Become Best Friends With Your Slow Cooker
There is nothing easier then dumping some chicken broth, chicken and veggies into the slow cooker in the morning. Just set and forget and you are well on to your busy day of everything else you have to do. With a hot meal ready and waiting for the kids when they come home from school before you head off to dance.

Miss Lainy's Hot Tip: Make sure your slow cooker has a timer! It is certainly a life saving feature.

Miss Lainy’s Hot Tip: Make sure your slow cooker has a timer! It is certainly a life saving feature.

2) Hang Activity Bags At The Door
Unpacking and Repacking your child’s school bag is just a pain. And of course, you know who’s fault it will be if the homework gets misplaced and left behind the next morning for school. Consider having separate bags for all the kiddos stuff for their class. Once the leotard and tights come out of the wash just stick it back in the dance bag at the door. That way you know where everything is and there will be no forgetting! (Miss Lainy Hot Tip: You may want to throw an air freshener in there!)

Bonus Points to you if you use a FDC bag!

Bonus Points to you if you use a FDC bag!

3) Celebrate Car Snacks
One of the many hats you wear as a mom is most certainly taxi driver. Consider stashing a few quick snacks in your car for those times when you (or the kiddos) are getting a little h-angry. Check out our recipe for our Protein Ball Tidd-Bits or just divide up a bag of baby carrots into snackable sizes.

4) Make the Drive Matter
How many times do you ask your kiddo, “What did you learn at school today?” and they respond with the class, “Nothing.” Too many times to count. Instead try asking them to tell you something more specific about their day.

  •  What was the best part of your day?
  • Tell me something that made you laugh today.
  • If an alien spaceship came to your class and could beam up you and a friend, who would you take along with you?
  • Which one of your teachers would survive a zombie apocalypse? Why?
  • If you could be the teacher tomorrow, what would you teach?

5) Car Pool
One of the best things about our Footprints Family is that everyone is willing to help one another out. Consider talking to the other moms in your child’s class and see if anyone is willing to do a car pool. Chances are there are other moms there that live close by in Woodstock and wouldn’t mind a night or two off themselves each week.

With these 5 tips we hope that you can ease your after school stress. Let us know if any of our tips worked for you. Give us an e-mail at [email protected]