It’s the beginning of the Dance Year here in Woodstock at Footprints Dance Centre and we are so excited to have all of our new and returning dance families with us for our sixth season. At Footprints, it is so important to us that all of our dancers have a successful dance year with us. We have put together a few tips to make sure that you get the most out of your Successful Dance Year with us!
1) Make Your Dancer Feel Like a Million Bucks!
There is something just so glamourous about being a dancer. From the way that professional dancers walk to what they wear – they are always, always on top of their form. One of the ways that we allow our dancers to have a taste of this glamour is with our dress code outfits. Coming to class dressed ready to dance allows our dancers an opportunity to feel what it is like to be a professional dancer. Our dancers are more focused and enjoy their class more when they are dressed ready for success! Make your dancers’ dress code items special things in their wardrobe. Ensure that they are only wearing them for class and maybe even give them a special spot in their dresser or wardrobe. The more special and exciting you make their dance clothes – the more excited they will be to wear them!

Don’t our dancers look ready for class in their beautiful dress code attire?
2) Set the Routine and Make it a Ritual!
Getting ready for class, driving to the studio, waiting for class, driving home from the studio… all of this can seem kind of daunting and boring and well, to be honest, awful, for parents to commit to for one (or five) days a week for their kids. But not if you can find a way to kick start that boring routine into a fun ritual for you and the kids.
Growing up I took dance in Brantford in addition to my Woodstock training. Those long Wednesday night drives into Brantford could have been tedious and tiresome for my mom and I but we made it into a fun night. Now some of those are my favourite memories growing up with my mom.
Some fun ideas for you:
– Blast the kids favourite songs on your way into or home from the studio
– Let your kiddo sit in their favourite spot in the car and bring a healthy fun snack
– Make your dancer a special dance bag so they know where all of their stuff is
– Use this time as your “catch-up” time – see what’s going on with their friends, at school, etc.
3) Arrive on Time!
No child likes to be the one that everybody stops and stares at as they sneak their way into class. Make sure that you are always a few minutes early for class. This gives your dancer time to take off their extra layers, put their dance shoes, go to the bathroom and most importantly, catch up with their dance friends. This also ensures that you can reserve yourself one of the comfy chairs for their class! A comfy parent is always a good recipe for a successful dance year!

Don’t get caught late running into class!
4) Stay Informed!
At Footprints we do our very best to keep all of our dance families informed about any upcoming events, new workshops or other fun planned at the studio. Every family receives a weekly e-blast on Sunday evenings with any upcoming information for the week. Can’t get to your e-mail? You can always check out our Facebook page, Instagram page or check out this month’s newsletter online. Staying informed and making sure that your dancer doesn’t miss out on the fun planned at the studio is super important to ensure that you have a successful dance year!
5) Enjoy the Process!
In this day and age of “Give me more now, now now!” and “Do it right the first time!” It can be very hard for our students to understand the process nature of a dance class. It is so important to support our dancers as they learn new steps and master their growing bodies. Dance is such a unique art form because the instrument (their body) will never be the same two days in a row. Some days we have good dancing days, some days we have practice dancing days and other days we have stage ready dancing days. As parents it is so incredibly important not to compare your child to any others in the class. In dance we must always value the process of the art form and remember – nothing ever gets easier, you just get stronger! Reminding ourselves of the importance of the process over the product will ensure a successful dance year.

Your little dancer will grow up soon enough. Just enjoy the process with them!
6) Ask Questions!
Ask questions of us – we are here to help! And ask questions of your dancer! Make them feel like you are interested and invested in their dancing. No child is ever going to answer your “What did you learn at dance today?” with anything more than a grunt and a shrug.
Try asking some of these questions:
– What music did you dance to today?
– Did you learn a new move today? Can you show me?
– Can you show me the combination you learned at the end of class today?
– Were your dance friends in class today?
– How many time did your teaching count in 5, 6, 7, 8?
7) Enjoy Your Quiet Time!
When the dancers are in class don’t be afraid to enjoy yourself too! Consider this your one-hour break from adulting. Bring a book and just veg out. Talk to the other parents. Bring some knitting! Take advantage of our free wi-fi and search up on Pinterest your next delicious meal. We will be having a couple parent surprises throughout the year for you so just watch out!
Here’s to an incredibly successful dance year!
Miss Lainy