Here at Footprints Dance Centre, we are celebrating the HUGE WIN that was our very first Introduction to Social Dancing class for adults! We are so incredibly proud of all that our dancers accomplished in such a short period of time! 

As adults, learning a new skill can often feel intimidating. But we are so proud of each and every one of them for having the courage to be open, let go, and trust the process. I think they were all surprised by how much fun they had along the way! In just 8 short weeks, we had the pleasure of watching our couples go from shy, nervous “two-left-foot-ers, to being able to cleanly and adequately navigate the dance floor together in 6 different dance styles! Wow! And the jump in confidence from week 1 to week 8 was amazing to see! 

Learning to dance with your partner is an extra special experience because partner dancing requires the same skill-set/practice that happy, healthy relationships thrive on. Learning to dance as a team helps to develop and strengthen: patience, trust, communication, connection, and teamwork. And by simply attending dance class, you are prioritizing a fun and exciting date-night, where phones and stresses are left at the door, and you spend the next 45 minutes  in your partner’s arms. There is truly no better way to spend quality time together and re-ignite that romantic spark!

The goal of the Level 1 Beginner course was to start right from the beginning, and help these couples gain knowledge, skill, and confidence in being able to dance together in social settings with dance floors. The more they practice and continue to grow, the more fun they are going to be able to have at their next wedding, vacation, street festival, or even at home- dancing together in the kitchen! As their teacher, my goal is to prove to my adult class that ANYONE can dance! And it is NEVER too late to start!

Our Level 1 dancers are excited to be moving on to their next session- Level 2! In this next level, they will continue to develop their dancing techniques while being introduced to new steps in their dances and adding even more dances to their repertoire like cha-cha, salsa, and hustle! 

Thank you for being such an awesome group to work with! Every single person was welcoming, kind, open, and here to have fun! Our class had the BEST vibes! I CANNOT WAIT for the next one!!!!!