No matter if it’s your first year here with us or your sixth – we want you to feel right at home with us in our Footprints Family. And if this is your first season as a fresh and proud Dance Mom, don’t worry. We have tips that will help you look like you’ve been doing this all your momming life!
Keep Your Dancer ROCKIN’ Their Dress Code!
Our strong dress code is one of the many things that sets us apart from other dance studios in town. We use our dress code as a tool to help all of our dancers feel included and unified as a team in the studio. Not only that, but we also offer all of our dress code needs in the studio! Making it the most convenient and affordable option for our Footprints Family. Our Dance Moms are number one when it comes to helping us keep our kids safe and prepared for class!
Here’s the Low-Down on the Dress Code Lingo:
Bodysuit: That’s what goes on your dancer’s body – like a swimsuit. Just like a swimsuit, dancers don’t usually wear underwear underneath. All that material gives way too much reason to get a hungry bum! If your dancer is more comfortable with their under-roos then, of course, keep them on!
Tights: These go on your dancer’s legs, just like pantyhose! Tights are worn underneath the bodysuit.
Bun: All of our ballerinas 7 years and older are required to wear a bun for ballet class. Now we don’t mind what kind of bun they come in – it could be a high sock bun, medium bun with no part or even a left part, low bun – whatever you think looks great! And you can always check out the links above on our YouTube Page if you aren’t sure how to make a bun too!

Our Dress Code helps our students not only feel like part of a team but keeps them focused in class too!
Label Everything.
Oh dance moms, you know that your dancer’s ballet slipper will run away from home – and join the one missing sock from every pair that they own. The problem is, it looks like every other tiny adorable ballet slipper from the dozens of other dancers. Please put their name inside their shoe (not on the outside or the bottom of the shoe) so we can help it get back home safely! While you’re at it, label their waterbottle, jacket, and anything else you can slap a label on. We also offer the ability to purchase fancy stay put labels from Mabel’s Labels. If you have used Mabel’s Labels before you know – those labels stick!!!
Let them see your eyes, not your Phone!
We know you want to capture moments of your little one dancing – and we want that too. Take lots of photos before and after class. But during dance class, if your child is dancing for you, put the phone down and look them in the eyes. Clap, cheer and smile. Dance is a performance art and meant to be appreciated by a live audience, not just for filming. Live in the moment with your dancer.
Praise the Process.
Remember to give your new dancer lots of love and encouragement. Being a dancer is hard work and takes a lot of bravery to try new things. The best thing you can tell your dancer is “I love watching you dance.” One of my most favourite things about dance is that its one of the few things that will never be immediate. You simply cannot walk into a dance studio and expect to be the best without working your little tushy off for it! Dance is hard work and with hard work we must always value the process over the product. For some of our little Teacups their biggest accomplishment might be just walking into the studio without a stuffy by the end of the year. For our Intermediates it may be mastering that aerial in acro class. No matter what the accomplishment is, never forget the amount of work that went into that milestone!

When they soar you will be proud! We promise!
Reality is not real life.
In real life, dance moms are supportive, kind, loving, and treat their dance friends like family. If you’ve seen any other “reality” than this, you’ve been misinformed. If you need a bobbypin or a Timmies run, we’ve got your back!
Welcome to your new official Dance Mom Status. We’re glad you’re here!

Dance Mom Status Earned!
Dancingly Yours,
Miss Lainy