Move With Me (Ages 0.4-3)

Twinkling Toes (4-14 Months)
Twinkling Toes is the perfect opportunity for new parents to get a moment out of the house and bond together with their new bundle of joy. Our Woodstock dance studio is happy to offer this class to babies from 4-14 months in age. This caregiver and baby style class will include songs and movement to aid the development of your littlest love!

Twinkling Tykes (14-24 Months)
As soon as your little tyke is on the move, we are right there with them! Our Woodstock dance studio welcomes Twinkling Tykes starting from 14-24 months with a caregiver in this exciting and dynamic class. Tykes will explore movement and music qualities in each rotating session.

Twinkling Tots (2-3 Years)
The search for independence is an important milestone for tots and we are excited to help these little dancers find their independence in the dance studio. Our Twinkling Tots will begin their session with a caregiver in class and will gradually transition to coming into the dance studio all by themselves!